About the Journal

Journal of Contemporary Issues in Planning and Environmental Studies is an international peer reviewed journal of high quality, originality and readability. It is multidisciplinary in approach. It ensures prompt publication of scholarly empirical articles that has not been published in any research outlets. The journal will publish both online and hard copy, with ISSN for each version of the publication.

The journal accepts paper from the Built Environment particularly from Urban and Regional Planning, Estate Management, Architecture, Building, Surveying and Geo informatics, Remote Sensing, Geography and other related field in Environmental Studies. The journal is interested in publishing original research work that promotes multi-disciplinary approach and the right perception to contemporary issues in environmental studies. This is with a focus to promoting policy formulation in such subject of discourse. It accepts innovative research output that focuses on current and relevant environmental challenges at National and International world. The journal is also aimed at providing planning solutions to Urban and Rural challenges across the globe.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Contemporary Issues in Planning and Environmental Studies
Contemporary Issues in Planning and Environmental Studies

Journal of Contemporary Issues in Planning and Environmental Studies is an international peer reviewed journal of high quality, originality and readability. It is multidisciplinary in approach. It ensures prompt publication of scholarly empirical articles that has not been published in any research outlets. The journal will publish both online and hard copy, with ISSN for each version of the publication.

The journal accepts paper from the Built Environment particularly from Urban and Regional Planning, Estate Management, Architecture, Building, Surveying and Geo informatics, Remote Sensing, Geography and other related field in Environmental Studies. The journal is interested in publishing original research work that promotes multi-disciplinary approach and the right perception to contemporary issues in environmental studies. This is with a focus to promoting policy formulation in such subject of discourse. It accepts innovative research output that focuses on current and relevant environmental challenges at National and International world. The journal is also aimed at providing planning solutions to Urban and Rural challenges across the globe. 

Published: 2023-08-16
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Manuscript Submission

The manuscript to be submitted must be original and of good quality. It must be a novel research outcome or effort on major challenge confronting the Environmental world. The research approach must be methodologically robust and in good content.

Abstract submission must not be more than 250 words that summarizes the main subject of discourse, methodology, findings, recommendations and conclusions. The paper should be structured as; background to the study, materials and methods, results/discussion, conclusion/recommendation and references. The American Psychology Association of referencing style 7th edition should be adopted.

Article should not exceed 20 pages on A4 sized paper. Typing format should be in double line spacing using Times New Roman and font size 12.

  • Title: The title of the manuscript should reflect the content of the paper and must address the main problem.
  • Name and Address: The first name should be in block letters aside from the other names. The corresponding authors should also be indicated.
  • Keywords: The journal accepts five (5) relevant keywords on the subject of discourse and arranged logically.
  • Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement of any research support should be succinctly presented and must be brief.
  1. B) Electronic Submission of articles: This should be sent to:


  1. Names & Email of Reviewers:

         4.  Associate Editors

Processing Fee: Each author will pay a non-refundable review fee of ₦5000 or $20 for any manuscript submitted.

Page Charge: Page charge is Twenty-Five thousand naira, (₦25,000) or $55 per manuscript accepted for Publication

Reprints: Reprints will attract additional cost of Fifteen Thousand Naira (₦15.000) or $ $35/

Frequency of Submission: Once in a year. Month: September

Editorial Team/Editorial Advisers:

  • Professor A.A Adedibu
  • Professor Nurain. BolanleTanimowo
  • Professor Taibat Lawanson (University of Lagos)
  • Professor Kayode Oyesiku (Ogun State University, Ago Iwoye)
  • Professor Sulimon Adeniyi Gbadegesin (University of Ibadan)
  • Professor Olatubara Chales.O (University of Ibadan)
  • Professor Abel Omoniyi Afon (Obafemi Awolowo University) Professor Philip Harrison
  • Professor Daniel Nkoom (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana)
  • Professor James Chakwizira (Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning. University of Venda, Limpopo Province South Africa)
  • Professor Emmanuel Adigun Toyobo (LAUTECH Ogbomoso)
  • Dr Basiru Odufua (Ogun State University, Ago Iwoye)

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